Knowledge Library
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Help desk

See work management center (WMC).

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems

The systems within a building that control and maintain temperature, humidity, and air quality.

Highest and best use (HBU)

The probable and legal use for a parcel of real estate that is physically possible, appropriately supported and financially feasible and that […]


An alternative work method in which facilities offer unassigned, reservable space to accommodate alternative work modes.

Hard benefits

Tangible outcomes from a policy or program. They are quantifiable and can usually be expressed in terms of monetary units.

High-cost initiatives

Initiatives that require capital expenditure and a significant amount of internal and external work hours.


A percentage of a contract price that an owner or contractor retains or percentage of a loan that a lender retains until […]


A quality control tool that shows frequency distributions in data and illustrate patterns of variation that may be difficult to see in […]

Hard costs

Cost for actual moving services, supplies and trucking expenses; costs for move materials, freight elevator and loading dock usage; special security guard […]

Hot site

A workspace that is completely ready to be occupied and used. All necessary equipment and furnishings are on-site, cabling is in place […]