Knowledge Library
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Property loss

Described as operating property primarily for business use. Typically infers the effective operation and management of owned, leased or subleased real property […]

Punch list

A written contract between an organization and a vendor using a pre-printed standard form.

Price fixing

An agreement among competitors to raise, fix or otherwise maintain the prices at a specified level.

Primary stakeholder

Those individuals or groups who are closely linked with a particular aspect or phase of the master plan or asset life cycle.


The anticipated use of resources and the sequence of tasks necessary to accomplish project goals.

Process costing

A traditional cost measurement system in which product or service costs by are grouped by process or department and then assigned to […]

Purpose statement

Based on research that supplies non-numeric data, for example, through the use of interviews, focus groups, open-ended survey questions, observations or other […]

Project description document

See project charter.

Position power

Power associated with a person’s position within the organizational hierarchy.

Process improvement

The application of quality improvement tools and models (such as the PDCA cycle and others) to effect positive improvement and better meet […]