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Simple payback period (SPP)

See payback period.

Service provider

Organization that delivers one or more facility services.

Scope creep

An extension of the objective(s) of the project by external influences, resulting in undesirable and unplanned changes to a project’s time, cost, […]

Smart meter

Tracks facility energy use both in terms of how much energy is being used and when it is being used. Communicates in […]

Survey response rate

The percentage of people who respond to a survey.

Statistical process control (SPC)

Monitors services and processes in order to control the quality. It is done in real time rather than after delivery (or inspections).

Statement of Work (SOW)

A listing of the specific tasks the supplier is to perform.

SWOT Analysis

A strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in a project.

Snagging list

See punch list.

Soft costs

Internal costs, such as salary/time of employees involved in managing the move; downtime and loss of productivity of employees being moved.