Knowledge Library
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Built environment

Collection of buildings, external works (landscaped areas), infrastructure and other construction works within an area.

Budget closeout

Budget closeout coincides with the end of the fiscal year. As with many aspects of budgeting, budget closeout can be simple or […]

Business impact analysis (BIA)

During this process, an organization team and/or consultant gathers information about what resources will be needed to resume essential functions after an […]

Budget at completion

The planned final cost of a task/project.

Business life cycle

A fundamental marketing concept that defines specific characteristics of products and markets at various points in their evolution.

Business case

Document which summarizes the scope, benefits, costs and risks of a proposed solution to a business need.

Building core

See common area.

Building standard finishes

Finishes provided periodically by a landlord to a tenant as part of the tenant’s base rent.

Business continuity

Maintenance and/or recovery of business operations during and after conditions of duress (a disaster).

Business process analysis (BPA)

A business tool that is commonly used to identify ways in which a process can be made more efficient, but because it […]