Knowledge Library
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Lead time

The delay between when materials or services are requested and when they are available at the right time and place. Lead time […]

Learning Style

The way a person acquires and organizes new information. It can include the sensory aspects of learning or cognitive preferences.

Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA)

The process of determining all costs incident to the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and disposition of an asset over its […]

Loss factor

See common area factor.

Liquid assets

Cash or assets that can be immediately converted to cash (or easily convertible into cash).

Local Area Network (LAN)

A computer network contained within a relatively small area. May also be connected over any distance via phone lines, fiber optic cable, […]

Light pollution

Excess sky light created by human activities that interferes with astronomical observations and affects the environment.

Lump sum

A single payment of money as opposed to a series of payments made over time (such as an annuity).

Lease abstract

A summary of key information in a commercial real estate lease. It summarizes and documents commonly referenced lease information from a lease […]

Load shifting

Rescheduling certain operations to lower peak demand and shift operations that are not time-sensitive to periods of the day (or week) when […]