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Systems thinking

A management theory that views the organization as a unified, purposeful combination of interrelated parts. It requires managers to look at the […]

Systems furniture

Furniture that is modularly designed to be assembled in one or more possible configurations. Also called workstations.


Time-perishable, intangible activity performed for an entity.

Sustainability "Sweet Spot"

The intersection of social, environmental and economic aspects on the Triple Bottom Line, where the pursuit of profits seamlessly blends with the […]

Sick building syndrome (SBS)

Describes situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a […]

Slab to slab

The distance between floors of a building as measured from the top of the concrete floor slab to the bottom of the […]

Soft benefits

Can be expressed in terms of monetary values. Examples include: improved employee morale, increased occupant health, comfort and productivity, reduced pollution and […]

Six sigma (6)

A process improvement approach encompassing a variety of techniques and tools focused on improving the capabilities of business processes. Key features are […]

Standing operating order (SOO)

A work order (WO) for a predictable, routine services that can be planned in advance and occur on a regular basis. These […]

Security deposit

The amount required by a landlord in advance of occupancy as security against potential damages caused by the tenant.