Knowledge Library
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Swing space

Space available to temporarily house functions/departments/units during renovation, alterations, and realignments.

Statistical analysis

Used to condense and summarize large quantities of data.

Supply chain carbon footprint

See secondary footprint.

Solar photovoltaic systems

Generates electricity by using panels that consist of a layer of semiconductor cells covered by an antireflective coating and a protective layer […]

Spatial differentiation

The distance between sites and the total number of sites in an organization.

Strategic objective

A measurable goal that you commit to achieve by a specific date. “To be a showcase facility” might be part of a […]

Straight-line depreciation method

Straight line depreciation is the default method used to recognize the carrying amount of a fixed asset evenly over its useful life. […]

Single-entry accounting

Much like the way people record checks and deposits in a checking account register.

Scale drawings

Drawings that are set to a proportional but smaller size than the actual objects being represented as defined by a supplied key […]

Solar thermal systems

Produces heat by using panels of heat-absorbing materials that are mounted on rooftops or adjacent to the facility. The heat is trapped […]