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Use and exclusion clauses

Define how a tenant can and cannot use the property being leased.

Useful life

Expected time that a component can be left in service, before it will start to experience a rapidly increasing probability of failure.

Unplanned maintenance

Any maintenance work that has not been included on an approved maintenance schedule prior to its commencement. Also known as unscheduled maintenance.

Usable area

The portion of a building or floor available for occupants. In leased space, this is the area not shared with other tenants. […]

Unit costs

Costs related to resources consumed to outputs or outcomes provided by those resources in the form of a ratio.

Unscheduled maintenance

See unplanned maintenance.

Unity of command

Concept by which each person within an organization reports to one and only one designated person. The purpose is to ensure unity […]

Urban heat island effect

The absorption of solar radiation by the surfaces of hardscape features such as pavement and roofs and the radiation of that heat […]