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Active listening

A structured form of listening and responding that focuses attention on the speaker.

Asset list

See facilities register.

Area take off

Breakdown of the use of the area on a floor plan to estimate various aspects of construction costs (e.g., measure of the […]

Accrual basis accounting

Revenues recorded when earned and expenses recorded when incurred.

Assignable area

The portion of a floor or building used to house personnel, furniture and equipment. = Usable area – Secondary circulation

Accounting cycle

The accounting schedule organizations typically use to record, analyze and summarize financial transactions and events.

Authoritative budgeting

An organization’s activities, policies, procedures, and practices designed to link the activities of its subunits, teams, and individuals into a cohesive whole […]

Accounting standards

Benchmarks prescribed for the reporting of accounting data.

Asset inventory

See facilities register.

Annual work plan (AWP)

A plan that covers short-term needs; is very specific and based on solid projections.