Risk Assessment

Overall process of risk identification, risk analysis and risk evaluation.

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Arenas combating aging, quakes & hurricanes use SHM & maintenance plans for peace of mind

Structural Health Monitoring of stadiums and arenas, especially when thousands of people are gathered, can be considered crucial for several reasons including […]

Don't Be Scared, Be Prepared Building Resilience Webinar

In an increasingly unpredictable world, the importance of resilience in facilities cannot be overstated. Speakers Maureen Roskoski (FEA), Melanie Danuser (Building Potential) […]

Start Now: A Guide to Building or Enhancing Your Emergency Management Program - Part 2: Insurance

In part two of our series, "Start Now: A Guide to Building or Enhancing Your Emergency Management Program," Scott Ployer, President and […]

Comprehensive Hurricane Preparedness Checklist for Facilities Teams

A comprehensive checklist to help you prepare your facilities for hurricane season. Comprehensive Hurricane Preparedness Checklist for Facilities Teams Pre-Season Preparation (December […]

Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals

IFMA introduced Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals in 2020 to provide specific tools and references for dealing with climate […]

The $6.7 Million Drinking Fountain

The UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center, constructed in 2009, is a five story, 206,000 GSF, outpatient clinic, occupied in 2010. We embarked on […]