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Ep. 97: Priorities for Managing Facilities, People and Asset Lifecycles in 2023

Mike Petrusky asks Judy Leyshon about strategies for prioritizing asset management, building lifecycles and utilization. They explore the challenges and technologies impacting […]

Ep. 1: Boston Scientific Takes it to the Next Level with ISO 50001

Graziella Sicilliano from the US Department of Energy sits down with Greg Lamson from Boston Scientific to talk about energy management and […]

Ep. 9: Interview with Laurie Gilmer on Sustainability and the SFP

In this episode, Kim Coffey sits down with Laurie Gilmer, Vice President and COO of Facility Engineering Associates, to talk about the […]

Ep. 5: The Latest Emerging Topics in Facility Management

IFMA’s First Vice Chair, Dean Stanberry shares the latest emerging topics in facility management. He covers topics being explored by IFMA’s new […]

EP020: Balancing the ‘E’ and ‘S’ of ESG – Creating Offices that Benefit both People and the Planet

There’s a tension between making buildings as energy efficient as possible and improving indoor air quality. But with climate and comfort being […]

Ep. 4: The Power of Language and Involving Others for Successful Workplace Change

It has been said that 70% of change efforts fail. Employees and workplaces can’t afford that rate of failure. There are pragmatic […]

Ep. 11: SDG, NGO, DEI, GWI: The ABCs of Sustainable Development 

IFMA is teaming up with the IFMA Foundation for a new series titled, Rework: The Sustainable Development Chronicles. As a new UN […]

Ep. 6: The Enhancing Effects of Biophilia at the Workplace

The human being has an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other life forms. But with the growth of cities […]

Ep. 40: What is in it for me? Addressing the people side of change

Andrea Sanchez is Executive Director of SparkStory, LLC where she offers consultation, coaching and training to individuals and organizations looking to develop […]

Ep. 19: A Roadmap to How FMs Can Deliver ROI through Workplace Experience with Peter Ankerstjerne

Peter Ankerstjerne, MBA, COP, FRICS, IFMA Fellow serves as the 2nd Vice Chair on IFMA’s newly elected board of directors. In July […]