EBTRON is here to support facility personnel in achieving operational excellence. Today there are challenges to maintain energy efficient operation with continued energy conservation, while balancing this with maintaining indoor air quality for the health and well-being of occupants. In our 40th year, EBTRON continues to be the market leader in airflow measurement and control with many unique solutions.

Knowledge Library


About the author

EBTRON is here to support facility personnel in achieving operational excellence. Today there are challenges to maintain energy efficient operation with continued energy conservation, while balancing this with maintaining indoor air quality for the health and well-being of occupants. In our 40th year, EBTRON continues to be the market leader in airflow measurement and control with many unique solutions.

Number Of Publications

24 articles

Improve Traditional CO2-DVC with Outdoor Airflow Measurement

This paper clarifies industry misconceptions regarding DVC and exposes the significant uncertainties associated with CO2-DVC. Additionally, the paper proposes two improved methods […]

The Importance of Airflow Measurement

This article explains the importance of ventilation and outdoor air within a building. Under-ventilation of outdoor air also affects building pressure, increasing […]

Part 1 Dilution Ventilation and IAQ

In this video, David Dougan discusses the steps to achieve acceptable IAQ requires understanding the contaminants of concern and methods to maintain […]

Part 2: Making the Case for Direct Outdoor Airflow Measurement

This session will discuss indirect, calculated, and direct measurement techniques for outdoor airflow. It demonstrates that direct outdoor airflow measurement using thermal […]