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CMMS - The Good, the Sordid & the Unexplainable

A multi-faceted article on all things CMMS based on three decades of experience.

Sound Rating Criteria for Buildings

The main goal for acoustic design in a space is to keep the background noise levels low enough that normal sound in […]

Electrical Measurements in TAB

A discussion of about electrical measurements versus current technology. I attended the NEBB Annual Meeting in Maui last month and it was […]

Cool Biz: Energy Conservation Efforts in Japan

The Cool Biz initiative, which originated in Japan during the summer of 2005, was introduced by the Ministry of the Environment as […]

Sustainability - Demands and Opportunities

This article will view FM roles and opportunities relative to demand organizations for present purposes of sustainability strategy, initiative, execution, and communication. […]

The Brilliance of Outsourced Security for Hybrid Workplaces

Securing workplaces across multiple office locations of a nationwide enterprise was already a challenging task pre-pandemic. The inherent variability and distance separation […]

Adapting to Evolving Threats: Strategies for Flexible and Responsive Security

Due to evolving physical threats and cyberattacks, traditional perimeter security systems are no longer effective in facility management. This article discusses strategies […]

The Unexpected Rise in Workplace Lockers

This article explores the rising significance of workplace lockers in modern office design, driven by hybrid work and space optimization. It highlights […]

Exploring Integration Opportunities with Airflow Measurement Stations

Thermal dispersion airflow measurement stations with BACnet communication protocols address the industry’s need for data integration and operational transparency. Advanced BAS systems […]

A Survey Instrument for Evaluating Workplace Occupant Satisfaction

The development and field test of this survey tool enabled evaluations of workplace settings, as well as supported workplace design and re-engineering, […]