Suri Suriyakumar

Knowledge Library

Suri Suriyakumar

Number Of Publications

5 articles

The Transformative Role of AI in Facility Management

Suri Suriyakumar, CEO of ARC Document Solutions and ARC Facilities, champions the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in facility management, emphasizing its […]

Are you prepared to implement a CMMS system?

Before implementing a CMMS system, it’s crucial to ensure that facilities information, including building plans and asset data, is organized and streamlined. […]

Paperless Compliance Documentation

Find out how your healthcare facilities team can gain instant mobile access to compliance documentation without the hassle of binders and carts.

Asset Tagging and Field Verification Becomes Easy with Smart Building Technology

As facilities age-organizing, streamlining, and updating information related to building assets can be a herculean task for facilities managers. This requires considerable […]

Building Information in the Built Space, Filling a Missing Category

Fast access to building information is a critical component of facilities management that has never been addressed. This document addresses this issue.