Built Environment

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PFAS in the Built Environment

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are durable, stain-resistant chemicals used in building products. To reduce exposure, practitioners should avoid specifying PFAS-containing products, […]

Circular Economy of Gridd Research Paper

The Circular Economy is a take-make-use-reuse model, focusing on ensuring there is no “end of life” for any product. Circularity is most […]

Ep. 27: Sustainability and Innovation in FM | Kathy Loftus - Whole Foods Market

Whole Foods Market is "America’s Healthiest Grocery Store" and known for its mission-driven approach with both sustainable agriculture and facilities. Mike Petrusky […]

Ep. 42: Healthcare Facility Management | Robert Graham, CHFM

Managing the healthcare built environment brings a variety of special challenges, and Robert Graham, CHFM, has experienced much of this in his […]

Ep. 46: Energy, IoT, and FM Tech | Mike Bruce and Eric Oliver - InScope Innovation

InScope Innovation is working with big data and the Internet of Things to gain insights from the interconnection of devices and systems […]

Ep. 68 Workplace Experience Tools and Adopting FM Technology

Drew DePriest, CEM, LEED AP, WELL AP is an Account Executive at Comfy, a workplace experience app that helps to empower people […]

Is Your Office Stressing You Out and Making You Fat?

Investigating links between health, the built environment, and occupant behavior, this research highlights strategies for and benefits of designing, building, and managing […]

Ep. 50: Filling the FM Pipeline | IFMA Foundation | SkillsUSA | Facilithon | Gary McKelvey, Jr. - Siemens

Gary McKelvey, Jr. of Siemens Corporation returns to the show for the "FM Innovator Podcast": Episode #50! In this episode, they focus […]

Ep. 24: Asset Management, BIM, and Building Tech for Workplace Leaders with Michael DeLacey

Michael DeLacey is Principal and CEO of Microdesk, an Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations & Maintenance industry consultancy, with decades of experience […]

Ep. 20: BIM and Facility Management | Kimon Onuma Interview on ARCH-i-TECH.TV

Architect and Building Information Modeling specialist Kimon Onuma explains the BIM process and how integration with facility management offers opportunities for improved […]