Occupancy Data

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Smart building mobile apps boost employee engagement, productivity and safety

The importance of re-engaging employees and how smart building technology can help.

Occupancy Outcomes Why the project begins after occupancy and why tracking outcomes is imperative

In this presentation, we will discuss how the AEC industry struggles with meaningful transformation because of a key gap in its knowledge- […]

Leveraging Technology for a Safer Return to Work

Organizations are now tasked with providing a safe space for their workers to come back to. As daunting as that challenge can […]

Post-Covid Office Manager Access Control Checklist

Managers are tasked not only with managing the day-to-day operations of their facility or workplace, they’re also challenged with safeguarding and securing […]

The Occupier Cost Index 2019 - Europe

The OCI portrays the office costs per full-time equivalent (FTE) for 29 European countries based on the European facility management standard EN […]