Project Management

Project management is a core skill in facility management and is particularly important because of the wide range of projects assigned to the facility organization.

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Why Outlook Is Not the Best Facility Scheduling Software

Encouraging FMs to look beyond Outlook to a flexible, scalable scheduling solution, the case is made for alternative solutions that offer ease […]

Construction Planning

A step-by-step explanation that can be used to develop understanding of the entire construction process or to checklist plans for a construction […]

(Un)Intelligibility in Workplace Design

This presentation highlights what to be aware of when designing your next workplace and the cost impact of an unproductive employee, addressing […]

Workplace Strategies: Innovation at the Edge

Learn how workplace strategy and design innovators are aligning design, technology, culture, workforce demographics and work processes to reinforce each other and […]

Buildings in the Cloud: From Smart Buildings to Smart Cities

This white paper discusses the challenges facing cities worldwide, identifies solutions, describes the results and delivers realistic next steps for your city […]

Gobility: Designing and Managing Space on the Go

A brief overview of teleworking statistics, benefits, and challenges, plus the case for mobility as a work solution.

Qualifying Contractors With a Simplified Scorecard

Review an objective methodology to assess a contractor’s qualifications using a simple matrix, and learn how to determine "best value" when hiring […]

Putting the "P" in FM: Project Management for the FM Professional

Research to establish and reinforce the correlation between FM and Project Management (PM), outlining ways PM best practices can be implemented in […]

Linking Corporate Office Design and Organizational Performance: Results from an HQ Renovation

Research findings arranged to compare the benefits of balancing user-centered design and prescriptive interior design to drive organizational change. Linking Corporate Office […]

Guide to Airport Performance Measures

This ACI guide defines performance measures for airports by addressing the factors that drive results, identifying airport types where the measure is […]