Operations And Maintenance

A primary role of facility managers is to manage/oversee the operation of the facility. To do this, facility managers must have a working knowledge of building systems, structure, interiors and exteriors, and grounds so the facility and all of its required systems function efficiently, reliably, safely, securely and in a manner consistent with existing regulations and standards.

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3 Ways to Tackle Your Project Closeout Challenges

As-builts and closeouts are clogging up 50+ year old buildings. ARC Facilities’ David Trask speaks about Tackling Project Closeout Challenges while viewing […]

How Facilities Managers can control costs as inflation mounts

Discover the strategies and tactics three facilities management (FM) practitioners are employing right now to maintain their budgets, ensure equipment uptime, and […]

5 Things to Know About Elevator Maintenance

Elevators are one of the most essential components of any building with more than one floor. If you want to check on […]

Otis Airflow Study Results

This paper, by OTIS, goes over the highlights of an airflow study conducted to determine the relative risk of exposure to COVID-19 […]

Leveraging Elevator IoT to Unlock Your Building's Potential

Beyond predictive maintenance capabilities, IoT will provide building owners and property manager’s access to data such as wait times, usage by floor […]

Airflow and Elevators - Executive Summary

Executive summary of an airflow study conducted to determine the relative risk of exposure to COVID-19 among elevator passengers.

Ep. 97: Priorities for Managing Facilities, People and Asset Lifecycles in 2023

Mike Petrusky asks Judy Leyshon about strategies for prioritizing asset management, building lifecycles and utilization. They explore the challenges and technologies impacting […]

Maintenance Costs and Facility Soft Services Practices - EU O&M Benchmarks Report No. 3

This white paper focuses on maintenance costs and facility software services practices for a variety of facility industry sectors, and is the […]

Concierge Services and Contract Management Practices - EU O&M Benchmarks Report No. 2

This white paper focuses on concierge/housekeeping as well as the use of in-house versus outsources services for a variety of facility service […]

Sustainability Programs and Initiatives - EU O&M Benchmarks Report No. 1

This white paper focuses on sustainable operations and maintenance practices and is the first in a series of three reports summarizing performance […]