
Knowledge Library
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Disruptive Discovery in Work and Life | The Clean Slate

We discuss best practices for keeping your floors clean and why it’s essential, how vendors can be better partners for facility managers, […]

Securing American Rescue Act Funds For K-12 Floor Care Upgrades

As part of the American Rescue Act, K-12 public schools will receive nearly $130 billion to support reopening and address the effects […]

Slip and Fall Prevention

A detailed presentation on the impact of slip and fall accidents in the workplace. The history of the Safety Institute and it’s […]

Permanent Entryway Systems

Learn how permanent entrance floor systems help to preserve flooring, improve indoor air quality, contribute to LEED credits and sustainable design, reduce […]

Preventing Incidents in the Hospitality Industry

Better manage incidents in your facility by educating yourself on the cause/effect relationships that contribute to slips, trips and falls, and by […]

How to Create an Ideal Entryway

Learn how to create a three-step entryway system that considers the role of safety, aesthetics, durability, serviceability, and price while also fashioning […]