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FM Shared Service: The Balance Between In-House and Outsourcing

A review of literature concerning the practice and use of outsourcing in higher education, and research focusing on how symbiotic and collaborative […]

An Inside Look at FM Outsourcing: Research Report 27

Results of a 2006 tracking survey on the practice of outsourcing in the FM field, performed to help FM professionals understand the […]

How to Make the FM Outsourcing Decision for Small and Medium Companies

The trend toward outsourcing facility management is well established among the Fortune 500 companies. The benefits of outsourcing are known and have […]

When Did Facility Managers Become Food Service Managers

A look at food service outsourcing and the additional responsibility it adds to facility management work. A helpful offering of best practices, […]

Working with Change Management in Service Outsourcing

Service outsourcing creates many changes. For the employees who will be outsourced, the changes are significant. But also for the rest of […]

Indirect Cost Savings When Outsourcing

Cost reduction remains the most important reason behind outsourcing decisions. While indirect cost savings are rarely identified and realized as part of […]

HR Issues to be Considered When Outsourcing Services

Although HR issues are crucial determinants of the success of service outsourcing processes, they are too often paid inadequate attention. The area […]

Managing Risk in FM Outsourcing

Risk mitigation strategies for adopting integrated outsourcing, including preparation of baseline information, critical systems and services, contract structure negotiation, continuity planning and […]