Facility Resilience And Business Continuity

The ability of an organization to quickly adapt to disruptions while maintaining continuous business operations and safeguarding people, assets and overall brand equity; the process or act of developing plans and procedures to assure the continuation of business operations during and after conditions of duress. The business continuity plans help organizations to be resilient.

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Managing Water Damage Emergencies In-house

Everyday leaks and flooding can cause serious problems including building downtime, expensive repairs, and health risks from mold and mildew. By being […]

Guide for Managing Excess Moisture and Humidity

Professional dehumidifiers can be temporarily installed to tackle mild or moderate humidity issues – from hot weather when the HVAC system is […]

Business & Digital Transformation Strategies in a Post-Covid World

Setting the context of the industry in a post Covid era, the white paper discusses top and bottom line boosters, strategic directions […]

The Disaster Experience QuickFire for Facility Managers

Learn the basics of business continuity planning, including principles of emergency management, business continuity outlining and planning produce, questions for self-evaluating disaster […]

Protecting Your Building: Blast Mitigation for Existing Facilities

A webinar provided by IFMA’s Museum/Cultural Institutions Council delivering advice from the Smithsonian Institution for FMs to implement terrorism-related risk assessment, planning […]

5 Ways Remote Working is Impacting Business Resilience

More companies are implementing telecommuting programs as a business resiliency strategy. During a disruption such as a power outage or flood, telecommuting […]

When the Smoke Clears: How Planning Enabled Business to Continue During the Northern California Wildfires

How ready are you for a big disaster? As a small business, when we undertook the ISO Business Continuity Management Systems certification, […]