Carbon Emissions

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4 ways power digitalization gets your building closer to net-zero

The earth’s hottest summer in recorded history and our oceans’ highest documented surface temperatures are stark reminders of global warming’s devastating effects […]

Hospitality Council Podcast: Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative - Part 1

The Hospitality Council of the International Facility Management Association is happy to provide this podcast on the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative in […]

Decarbonization Video Series

This video blog series highlights the important work of our carbon reduction partners, who share takeaways, best practices, and actionable steps you […]

Understanding the Sequence and Strategy of Decarbonization

The concept of net-zero is simple: An organization must absorb as much carbon as it emits. Many organizations—and most countries—have committed to […]

Hospitality Council Podcast: Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative - Part 2

This is Part 2 of our two-part series on the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance. In this podcast […]

Decarbonization Video Series

This video blog series highlights the important work of our carbon reduction partners, who share takeaways, best practices, and actionable steps you […]

Sustainability How-To Guide: Turning Data Centers Green

This guide discusses the major obstacles to improving energy efficiency in data centers, emphasizing the necessity of strong project leadership, executive support, […]

Sustainability How-To Guide: Sustainable Landscaping

This guide reviews the design, construction and maintenance stages of landscaping, explaining how to incorporate sustainability at each phase, decrease maintenance costs […]

CNN Center's 15 Year Report

The presentation examines the CNN Center’s award winning energy conservation measures and initiatives.

Carbon Reporting Basics Webinar

Investigate the drivers for sustainable building practices, the key issues of corporate sustainability, the impact of commercial property’s carbon footprint, and sustainability […]