
The diverse uses of the sites included in the built or natural environment for habitation, containment, shelter and other beneficial uses by people, flora and fauna.

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Adaptability VS Uncertainty: Why Modular Workplace Design Is Now or Never

What makes the modular workplace design so attractive is the capability of having a diverse workplace assemblage: private spaces for focused work, […]

IBM Global Real Estate Group Talk Space Planning and Occupancy

For today’s RE and FM professionals, it’s no longer about mops and buckets, it’s about using technology and data to effectively manage […]

Top 6 Features For A Safer Workplace

Workplace Reentry: Purpose-built features to bring employees back to the office safely. To facilitate a healthy, productive back to work transition, it’s […]

Respecting Human Limits: Densification Research and Design

We are often asked to make office space as efficient as possible. Our clients want to know “What can we do in […]

Occupancy Outcomes Why the project begins after occupancy and why tracking outcomes is imperative

In this presentation, we will discuss how the AEC industry struggles with meaningful transformation because of a key gap in its knowledge- […]

Occupancy Benchmarking Guide 2018-2019

The 2018 Occupancy Benchmarking Guide highlights the role of data and advanced analytics in shaping workplace strategy for an ever-changing world of […]

Back to the Future: Desks? Where We’re Going We Won’t Need Desks!

In today’s competitive world, companies are striving for speed and innovation. The rise of artificial intelligence will heighten the value of knowledge […]

Work is Evolving, the Workplace Should Too

When people talk about Space As a Service, you immediately think about WeWork, Knotel, and other community shared space providers. While these […]

WE Case Study: Wells Fargo

Review goals, processes, scalable solutions, and results of the Workplace 2020 plan to align Well Fargo’s culture and workplace with the business […]