Environmental Stewardship And Sustainability

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How Can Small Businesses Be Eco-Friendly with Waste?

When it comes to creating small business sustainability goals, you may think you have to go big or go home. But bigger […]

Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals

IFMA introduced Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals in 2020 to provide specific tools and references for dealing with climate […]

Facility Management and Sustainability: A Fundamental Alliance

Guide to FM’s role in sustainability, including use cases and examples of areas where FM teams can be proactive contributors to your […]

EP017: Clean Tech is Cool! with Mark Bernstein

Learn about Earthshot’s Clean Tech Portal where you can find innovations that can help existing and new buildings be more sustainable and […]

EP020: Balancing the ‘E’ and ‘S’ of ESG – Creating Offices that Benefit both People and the Planet

There’s a tension between making buildings as energy efficient as possible and improving indoor air quality. But with climate and comfort being […]

EP021: Sustainability: The Eric Teicholz SFP Scholarship Award

We are delighted to present the latest episode of the IFMA Foundation series, titled "Rework The Sustainable Development Chronicles." In this installment, […]

Webinar - Panel discussion on social sustainability (in Swedish)

Panel discussion on Social sustainability (in Swedish) Webbseminarium – Paneldiskussion om social hållbarhet (på svenska)

Technology Brief: How EaaS Microgrids Optimized with VPP Software Accelerates The Energy Transition

Energy-as-a-service (EaaS) solutions offer customers the unique opportunity to dramatically increase their energy resiliency while incurring no upfront capital costs and make […]

Sustainability Starts with YOU!

This article gives a brief idea about sustainable lifestyle practices beyond LED light retrofitting, EVs, plastic waste and other strategies.

Hospitality Council Podcast: Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative - Part 1

The Hospitality Council of the International Facility Management Association is happy to provide this podcast on the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative in […]