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How Can Small Businesses Be Eco-Friendly with Waste?
When it comes to creating small business sustainability goals, you may think you have to go big or go home. But bigger […]
Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals
By Sheila Sheridan, Jenny Yeung, Stanton Wong, Raefer Willis, Lauren Sparandara, ESUS, Kathy Roper, IFMA, Dean Stanberry, Debbie Jaslow Shatz
IFMA introduced Adapting to Climate Change for Facility Management Professionals in 2020 to provide specific tools and references for dealing with climate […]
Facility Management and Sustainability: A Fundamental Alliance
Guide to FM’s role in sustainability, including use cases and examples of areas where FM teams can be proactive contributors to your […]
EP017: Clean Tech is Cool! with Mark Bernstein
Learn about Earthshot’s Clean Tech Portal where you can find innovations that can help existing and new buildings be more sustainable and […]
EP020: Balancing the ‘E’ and ‘S’ of ESG – Creating Offices that Benefit both People and the Planet
There’s a tension between making buildings as energy efficient as possible and improving indoor air quality. But with climate and comfort being […]
EP021: Sustainability: The Eric Teicholz SFP Scholarship Award
We are delighted to present the latest episode of the IFMA Foundation series, titled "Rework The Sustainable Development Chronicles." In this installment, […]
Webinar - Panel discussion on social sustainability (in Swedish)
Panel discussion on Social sustainability (in Swedish) Webbseminarium – Paneldiskussion om social hållbarhet (på svenska)
Technology Brief: How EaaS Microgrids Optimized with VPP Software Accelerates The Energy Transition
Energy-as-a-service (EaaS) solutions offer customers the unique opportunity to dramatically increase their energy resiliency while incurring no upfront capital costs and make […]
Sustainability Starts with YOU!
This article gives a brief idea about sustainable lifestyle practices beyond LED light retrofitting, EVs, plastic waste and other strategies.
Hospitality Council Podcast: Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative - Part 1
The Hospitality Council of the International Facility Management Association is happy to provide this podcast on the Hotel Carbon Measurement Initiative in […]